Saturday, November 30, 2019

Interactions across cultures and organizations

Introduction This report describes intelligence and its usefulness in the organization. Cultural intelligence may be defined as the general understanding about various cultures and how these cultures work. It involves understanding of one’s culture and cultures of other people. It enables individuals to have a broad knowledge about various cultural norms, values and beliefs. It is the ability to create an impact on various cultures across an organization.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Interactions across cultures and organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cultural intelligence will involve having broad knowledge on the similarities and differences existing between different cultures across the world. Cultural intelligence plays a key role in successful interaction across various cultures. It requires interpersonal skills and negotiation skills across various cultures. It also involves cultural m indfulness, which enables an individual to understand the various differences that exist between various cultures (Matthews et al., 2002). Understanding of cultural differences enables workers to improve on their performance in the work place(Triandis, 2005). Cultural knowledge skills and intelligence are very vital to every enterprise as it enables workers to improve their performance. In order for people to successfully interact with each other in the organization, there is a need for them to understand cultural intelligence. It involves suspending judgment until that time when enough information is available in order to make the correct judgment (Goleman, 2005). It also involves paying attention to details and situations. It helps an individual to identify the information, which is important in making critical judgment, and can combine this information to make the right judgment. It requires behavioral training as well as cognitive training to individuals so that they can underst and various similarities and differences across various cultures. The report describes the meaning of cultural intelligence and how it can be used to improve performance in the organization. Literature Review Triandis in his article identifies important things that a culturally intelligent person should do. These things include the following: Suspending judgment Culturally intelligent persons should suspend judge until enough information to make the right decision is available. This is because the amount of information, which is required to make the correct judgment, is usually very broad. For instance, the behavior of persons living in collective cultures is different from that of persons living in individualistic cultures (Triandis, 1995).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More People in collective cultures put a lot of emphasis on the context rather than on the content. On the other hand, those on individualistic cultures put a lot of emphasis on the content more than the context. People in collective cultures give priority to group goals instead of personal goals (Choi, Nisbett, Norenzayan, 1999). Culturally intelligent individuals should suspend judgment until enough information beyond ethnicity of the other person is available. This is because personality attributes, such as ethnocentrism- allocentrism requires to be considered. Culture gives a clue about the position of a sample of individuals but it gives a little information about the particular individual. The culturally intelligent individual should not make a judgment from these clues but should gather biographical information before making conclusions that the other person is likely to be idiocentric or allocentric. Culturally intelligent person should gather a lot of information before making the final judgment in order to make the correct judgment. This because people come from various cultur es with different cultural values and beliefs and the culturally intelligent individual should consider these differences before making decisions. Such a person should see behaviors exhibited by other people as being driven by external factors rather than internal factors. Culturally intelligent person should not be individualistic because he/she has to consider the group interest before the personal interest. He suspends judgment until full information is obtained from different cultural and ethnic sources. This is highly influenced by factors such as education, leadership role, international travels or even social mobility. This enables an individual to gather more information from different people before making a decision. Training to overcome ethnocentrism In reality, all human beings are ethnocentric; they believe that what is normal in their culture should be normal in all other cultures (Triandis, 1990). In case people realize a difference in a set of norms in another culture , they believe that people in this culture are barbaric and immoral. Learning to deal with this situation requires a lot of training because such individuals go against the human nature. An individual becomes ethnocentric due to believing in only one cultural system. A culturally intelligent individual should not believe in only one cultural system. He should realize that there are various cultural systems which differ from one another. He should think of a set of norms as different from one’s own. In addition, human beings have false consensus affect because they believe that the majority of people should think the same way they are thinking (Mullen et al., 1985). A culturally intelligent person should put him/her in the shoes of people from other cultures in order to overcome the biases of ethnocentric.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Interactions across cultures and organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page L earn More Individuals should be exposed to various norms. This does not mean that such an individual is supposed to embrace all cultures that have different norms. Members of a certain culture are kept from improving their conditions by various cultural traps (Edgerton, 1992). According to Earley and Ang (2003), a cultural intelligent should undergo cognitive and behavioral training to overcome ethnocentrism. For instance, cognitive training should include learning on how to make isomorphic attributions (Triandis, 1975). This is usually achieved through culture assimilators (Triandis, 2004). These individuals should participate in different exercises that will enable them to understand various cultures (Hofstede, Hofstede, Pedersen, 2003). They should be trained by being exposed to experiential training (Martin, 1996). Culturally intelligent person should also undergo behavioral modification training in order to achieve desirable behaviors and reduce the probability of undesirabl e behaviors (Paige Martin, 1996). Trainees should be exposed to various cultural beliefs and norms in order to low differences between these values. This will enable them to understand cultures practiced by different people and the reasons behind supporting these cultures. They should be exposed to experimental training, which will enable them to understand the importance of cultural intelligence. During this training, they should be allowed to interact with people from different cultures. The training can be made effective using culture assimilators to help individuals to become culturally intelligent. The training will help individuals to improve interpersonal relations between them and other members of the group. It enables individuals to have a broad knowledge about different norms, which help them to interact with each other. The importance of situations The culturally intelligent individual should understand current behavior in different situations. He should understand the c ultural behaviors of other persons. He should pay special attention to the other person’s behavior. According to research collectivists, situations are cooperative; however, no one is cooperative in individualistic situations (Chatman Barsade, 1995). The culturally intelligent person should have the ability to gather information, which is pertinent to making judgment. This will enable him/her to combine information from various sources in order to make the right decision. He should interact with other people from different cultural background in order to collect a lot of information. This will help such an individual to make the correct decision.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Critique of CQ as a functional tool According to Earley Ang (2003), CQ, refers to the ability of a person to effectively adapt to new cultural contexts. It is based on four components that include cognitive, meta-cognitive, and behavioral component. It involves the ability of an individual to understand specific norms and practices in a new cultural setting. It explains the differences among different individuals ability to adapt to new cultural setting (Earley and Ang, 2003). CQ has been criticized by various international scholars in cross cultural and organizational psychology. First, the CQ has been highly criticized because it has not been tested in a sojourning sample. According to ward and colleagues, the four-factor structure should be confirmed with a sample of individuals involved in the process of cross-cultural adaptation. According to ward and colleagues, emotional intelligence tool is similar to CQ. Emotional intelligence involves the ability to see emotional states i n other people (Goleman, 2005). It also includes regulating emotions in order to achieve an effective social interaction among different cultures. According to Mayer and Salovey (1997), a person should involve understanding emotions and emotional knowledge in order to promote emotional and intellectual growth. It helps in predicting success in a very large domain. Cultural intelligence is different from emotional intelligent, and it cannot be ranked in the category of social intelligence. Thomas (2006) argued that although CQ shares some characteristics with emotional intelligence, it differs in that what is meaningful in one culture might not be meaningful in another culture. According to research by Ward and colleagues, there is a strong correlation between CQ and its subscale with emotional intelligence. The interrelation between cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence is high statistically significant. The correlation between CQ scores and emotional intelligence is equa lly high. According to research, the cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence have a very rate of shared variance. This leads to the criticism on Earley and Ang’s argument that cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence are different forms of intelligence. CQ tool can be described as a self-reported instrument. It is a self-report measure for the evaluation of cultural knowledge in intercultural and international settings. An individual has developed it, and it faces criticism from various international scholars. It is a self-report measure, which is developed and validated by Ang, Van Dyne, Koh, and Ng (2004). It is described as the self-report measure of CQ. It is a self-report assessment of CQ in the general cultural context as described by Berry and Ward (2006). It is a self-report format, which has raised a major concern by the various international scholars. This self-report instrument of evaluating intelligence has various limitations, which have been ana lyzed according to emotional intelligence. It is a self-report measure of cultural intelligence, which has various limitations. It describes the utility of self-report measures of cultural intelligence (Salovey, 2006). Analysis Cultural intelligence should be tested through ability testing. This is because ability testing will give better results as compared to the self-report measure of cultural intelligence. This will enable cultural intelligence to manifest intelligence. This is because ability testing is the performance based testing which is more useful in the prediction of cultural adaptation. (Nisbett, 2003) Performance based measures should be used to measure cultural intelligence instead of the self-report instrument. This is because the performance-based measures have greater concurrent and predictive validity as compared to the self-report instrument (Matthews et al., 2002). The self-report instrument does not show incremental validity in the prediction of social competen cies in relation to personality and verbal intelligence (Salovey, 2006). Performance based measure of cultural intelligence can be able to measure the perceived social competencies, as well as the predicted real time social competence. The performance-based measure enables individuals to understand the relationship that exists between intelligence and intercultural effectiveness. The self-report instrument does not identify the relationship between intelligence and intercultural effectiveness (Goleman, 2005). The self-report instrument undermines the application of IQ construct across various cultures. This makes individuals believe that because there is no culture free behavior, it is difficult to establish a culture free intelligence. Managers should use the performance-based measure to determine the cultural intelligence. This is because these people will be able to understand the correlation between the individual performance and the cultural intelligence (Berry Ward, 2006). Th e Global alliance manager should use the performance-based measure of cultural intelligence as it may help in improving the organization’s performance. This is because the manager negotiates a lot with other managers who come from different cultural background. The performance-based method of assessment will enable the manager to determine the importance or usefulness of the cultural intelligence on the business. The performance based assessment and the cultural specific versions are the most fruitful methods of assessment, which can be used by managers. Cultural intelligence is important in understanding and predicting the acquisition of the appropriate cultural skills. The realization of its potential is limited by its measurement. This method will enable managers to relate cultural intelligence with the performance of individuals in the organization. Those workers with a lot of knowledge about different cultures across the globe always perform well in the organization. Thi s will enable managers to understand the importance of cultural intelligence as compared to the self-report instrument of evaluating the importance of cultural intelligence in the organization. The performance-based assessment has no limitations like the one experienced by the use of self-report measurement method. At present, however, performance based assessment is the best method of testing cultural intelligence unless other sophisticated measures of assessment are available. These methods may include observation, interview, cultural assimilators, computer simulations as well as assessment centers. All these measurement methods may be advanced than the performance based method. However, since they are only proposed at the moment, performance based method is the most appropriate measurement of the correlation between cultural intelligence and performance in the organization. According to Geert Hofstede cultural studies, members in different countries and culture differ in various ways. For instance in Saudi Arabia people have different beliefs and values. People in this country speak different languages such as Arabic, English urdu and other Asian languages such as Farsi and Turkish. Islam is the religion, which is practiced in this country, and it governs political and economic lives of people in this country. An individual requires a Saudi to enter in this country. Business decisions are made slowly in this country. The judgment is suspending until enough information is available. In Peru, decisions are made after gathering information from different people who are from different cultures. People in these countries differ in various issues and all these issues are considered before making the final judgment (Hofstede, Hofstede, Pedersen, 2003). The country is divided into three major regions and people from these regions have diverse cultural beliefs. In Israel, cultural differences between people are very important for economic and political issues. Hofs ede argued that understand cultural differences is very important in all businesses. In Israel, understanding organizational cultures enables individuals to perform well in the business organization. Hofsede stated that individuals should involve themselves in different exercises in order to understand various cultures. In Jordan, there are various cultures and workers participate in activities, which enable them to understand these cultures. People doing business in Jordan need to learn the languages spoken in this country (Hofstede, Hofstede, Pedersen, 2003). References Berry, J. W., Ward, C., 2006. Commentary on ‘‘Redefining interactions across cultures and organizations.’ Group Organization Management. Earley, P. C.,Ang, S., 2003. Cultural intelligence. Stanford,CA: StanfordUniversity Press. Goleman, D., 2005. Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books Hofstede, G. J., Hofstede, G., Pedersen, P., 2003. Exploring culture:Exercises, stories and synthetic cultures. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press. Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., Roberts, R. D., 2002. Emotional intelligence:Â  Science and myth. Cambridge: MIT Press Nisbett, R., 2003. The geography of thought. New York: Free Press. Triandis, H.C., 2006. Cultural Intelligence in Organizations. Group and Organization Management, 31, pp 20-26. Triandis, H. C., 2004. Culture and social behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill. Triandis, H. C., 2005. Individualism and collectivism. Boulder, CO: Westview. Ward, C. Fischer, R. Zaid Lam, F.S., and Hall, L., 2009. The Convergent, Discriminant, and Incremental Validity of Scores on a Self-Report Measure of Cultural Intelligence, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Volume 69 (1), 85-105. . This report on Interactions across cultures and organizations was written and submitted by user Giovani I. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Psc 304 Legislative Politics Essay example

Psc 304 Legislative Politics Essay example Psc 304 Legislative Politics Essay example PSC 304 Chapter 8 1) Who can introduce legislation into the Congress? Answer: only members of Congress can introduce legislation. 2) Who sets the agenda for the House of Representatives? Answer: The Speaker, in consultation with party and committee leaders, the president, and others, largely determines whether, when, how, and in what order bills come up. 3) There are four types of bills, what are their differences? What is an omnibus bill? Answer: Bill-Most legislative proposals before Congress are in a bill form. Public bills deal with general questions and become public laws if approved by Congress and signed by the president. Private bills deal with individual matters they become private laws if approved and signed by the President. Resolution- a simple resolution deals with matters entirely within the prerogatives of one house. It requires neither passage by the other chamber nor approval by the president and does not have the force of law. Concurrent Resolution- must be passed by both houses but does not require the president’s signature and does not have the force of law. Joint Resolution- requires the approval of both houses and the president’s signature, just as a bill does, and has the force of the law. Omnibus Bill- A bill consisting of a number of related but separate parts which seek to amend and/or repeal one or several existing Acts and/or to enact one or several new Acts. 4) What are each of the different calendars used in the House? What type of bills go onto each? Answer: The House of Representatives has five calendars of business: the Union Calendar, the House Calendar, the Private Calendar, the Corrections Calendar, and the Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees. The calendars are compiled in one publication printed each day the House is in session. This publication also contains a history of Senate-passed bills, House bills reported out of committee, bills on which the House has acted, as well as other useful information. Union Calendar: is a large majority of public bills and resolutions reported to the House. House Calendar: The public bills and resolutions that are not placed on the Union Calendar are referred to the House Calendar. Private Calendar: All private bills reported to the House are placed on the Private Calendar. The Private Calendar is called on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Corrections Calendar: If a measure pending on either the House or Union Calendar is of a noncontroversial nature, it may be placed on the Corrections Calendar. The Corrections Calendar was created to address specific problems with federal rules, regulations, or court decisions that bipartisan and narrowly targeted bills could expeditiously correct. Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees: When a majority of the Members of the House sign a motion to discharge a committee from consideration of a public bill or resolution, that motion is referred to the Calendar of Motions to Discharge Committees. 5) What are the various procedures the house uses to expedite minor/ uncontroversial bills? Answer: The House tends to operate on a Monday-to -Thursday schedule, with Mondays reserved primarily for non-controversial legislation considered under shortcut procedures such as suspension of the rules or unanimous consent. Minor/ uncontroversial bills may also be considered under suspension of the rules, which means it does not have to be reported from committee before the full House takes it up. There are also occasions where the minority party will contend that noncontroversial bills that could easily pass by suspension are instead brought up with an open rule- which permits more than forty minutes of debate and allows amendments – granted by the Rules Committee. 6) What happens under Suspension of Rules? Why is this procedure used in the House? Answer: Suspension of the Rules in the United States Congress is the specific set of procedures within the United States Congress

Friday, November 22, 2019

ACT Practice Tests What They Can and Cant Do

ACT Practice Tests What They Can and Can't Do SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips ACT practice tests are invaluable for any level of ACT preparation, from those just beginning their study to those who have studied for months already. There are limits, however, to what ACT practice tests can do. Read on to find out what things ACT practice tests are good for and what they just can’t accomplish. feature image credit: Limited/used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped and resized from original. What ACT Practice Tests Do Well Going through ACT practice tests can help your studying in myriad ways. For one thing, taking practice ACTs orients you towards the test. If you get too caught up in doing practice problem sets, you can forget what your ultimate goal is: doing well on the ACT when you sit down and take it on test day, not just acing problems in isolation. Making it through the full test length (between three and four hours, depending on whether or not you take ACT Plus Writing) requires stamina as well as knowledge, and part of being prepared is making sure that you’re strong in both those arenas. At the very beginning of your studying, you should sit down and take a realistic ACT practice test all the way through. The realistic part is important because by taking practice tests in the morning and all at once (just like the real ACT), you’ll be able to review mistakes that wouldn’t show up if you were just doing practice sets in the afternoon or evening. Practice tests are valuable not just because of what you gain while you’re taking them, but because of what you can gain upon reflection after taking the test. After you've taken your first practice test, note what surprised you most about the experience (both in a good way and in a bad way). It could turn out that you're a lot more focused when you sit down to take the test all at once; on the other hand, you might discover that when you take the ACT at 8am, you're a lot more prone to making careless mistakes on Reading than you would be otherwise. Reviewing wrong answers, or even questions you weren't sure about but guessed correctly on, is key to improvement. Once you identify your problems, you can then come up with solutions (whether it’s making sure to sleep enough the night before the test or continuing to take more practice tests to get used to the time demands). After you've implemented those solutions, you should take a second practice test and see if the changes you've made in your studying have resulted in changes in your score. One final point is that taking practice tests close (but not too close) to the ACT helps you build up your test muscle memory. Like playing a piano concerto all the way through in advance of a concert, or playing through a full-time scrimmage before a big game, taking full-length ACT practice tests gets your mind in shape. Overall, practice tests are a critical (30%+) part of a good ACT study program. It’s imperative that you have high accuracy questions that are representative of what you'll see on test day, and there's no better source of these high-quality questions than official ACT practice tests. Read more about why high-quality materials are important in our guide to the best ACT prep websites out there. What ACT Practice Tests Don’t Do While practice tests are important for all the reasons outlined above, you can't spend 80%+ of your ACT prep time on practice tests and call it a day, because practice tests aren’t the answer to every problem and won’t cure all your issues. For example, if you're 30 hours into your studying, you shouldn't take three practice tests in a row and expect to see positive results. You'll be gaining a little bit of muscle memory, but score increases as a result of muscle memory are very low. You'd be better off investing that time shoring up your weak spots with targeted practice questions. Focused practice outside of taking full-length practice tests is important for improving specific skills, like using quadratic equations or understanding parallelisms. Doing the same type of question over and over again and drilling down on why you're making mistakes is the most effective path to improving your performance in those areas. Seeking Lavender (Provence 2012)/used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Resized from original. As you improve on the ACT overall, doing this kind of narrow practice is more efficient, because the more you study, the fewer areas and types of questions you’ll struggle with. Thus, it’s a better use of your time to focus in on your weak areas rather than taking an entire practice test and wasting time on doing questions that you already can ace. Practice tests also become useless or wasted without enough preparation before taking each one. If you take one, don’t learn any lessons (either by reflecting on wrong answers or reviewing theory and content you didn't know), and take another practice test, the second one will almost certainly be a waste of time and energy. What’s Next? Want to make sure you're mimicking the real test when you take practice tests? Learn about the eight steps to follow to get the most realistic ACT practice test experience here. Have a limited amount of time to study and want to make sure you divide it up wisely? Read our guide to using ACT practice tests over 20 hours of prep. How can you study your way to a perfect ACT score? PrepScholar co-founder and perfect scorer Allen Cheng walks you through his process in his article on how to get a perfect 36 on the ACT. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion board reply Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion board reply - Assignment Example I believe that organizations should open the jobs for everyone by removing the restricting clause of age. This would promote equal opportunities for people from diverse background and help recruitment officers get the best applicant for the job. It is incorrect to say that target recruiting zeroes in on those select applicants most likely to possess the skill, knowledge and interest needed for the job openings because there are better and fairer ways to recruit applicants who fit best to the job (Bagley, Dalton * Ortegren, 2013). Online job application is one of the most effective ways of advertising the job and getting applications from applicants from diverse background who may fit the job specification. Moreover, online advertising also facilitates screening and calling for interviews only those candidates who fulfill job specifications. Target recruitment promotes discriminatory practices and therefore should be avoided by organizations. In the current times of rising unemployment, target recruitment deprives eligible candidates of the job opportunities. As such, it should not be encouraged and government should come up with stringent measures to dissuade the practice of target

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Answering the Quastion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answering the Quastion - Essay Example Domestic violence is a social crime because it leads to severe mental problems and psychological breakdowns due to which the victimized spouse is often considered as an abnormal person. Statistics make us think why mostly women are killers in homicides. The reason is the fact that when husbands physically or mentally abuse their wives, the latter develop such mental problems and anxiety disorders that lead them to kill their husbands and get rid of the abuse once and for all. It is not only a social crime but also a religious crime. Bible stops humans to be abusive toward their life partners. Chopp (239) states in her book, â€Å"†¦we recognize that the church is not immune to such problems as alcohol and sexual abuse.† God wants humans to spread peace and live with love, and nurture family system with care and honesty. Hence, domestic abuse is both a social and a religious crime. Question # 4 Christians have developed ways for thinking about those who are different, and this has lead to strikingly different kinds of treatment of different people. For Christians, it is the message of God to spread love and humanity, and to treat all people on equal basis. No person from another socio-economic or cultural background is inferior. No matter what the background is, all people should share the same status and respect. Christianity encourages thinking about different people in a caring way, which should include right kind of treatment of others. For example, America enjoys a diverse population, and people from different cultural, ethnic, and societal backgrounds live with each other. Students from different backgrounds study together in same schools, and this has lead to the promotion of equality and brotherhood. Christianity encourages that people should treat others with kindness, care, love, and concern, so that such a society must be established where no one feels insecure and unstable. â€Å"God has done God’s part and the rest is up to us,â €  says Moore (69). Hence, it is now our responsibility to devise and implement ways and strategies that should be able to treat all humans from different backgrounds on an equal basis. We should promote justice and fairness in the society, and should resist against racial, sexual, and gender discrimination. This is how different people are treated so that they feel loved and accepted in a strange society. Question # 5 We are living in a post-modern world. Post-modernism has made us understand the realities of life more distinctly and truthfully. It started in later twentieth century, and focuses on the reality of things from a critical point of view. Post-modernism also boosts feminism, and rejects the idea of women being kept at homes for household only. Modernism struggled against the home captivity of women, and post-modernism saw the liberation of women. Not only this, post-modernism has given new meaning to arts, culture, social norms, politics, agriculture, and economics. One aspect of post-modernism is that people are no longer ready to accept things as they are. They have started questioning the realities of life, and do not accept ambiguous realities. This has given rise to research and rejection of olden times’ myths and suppositions. For example, the existence of God has been debated upon in the post-modern world, and it has been proved with facts and logics. â€Å"

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Linking and Illegal Trespassing Essay Example for Free

Linking and Illegal Trespassing Essay Bidder’s Edge was different than EBay normal customers for a few reasons. Bidder’s Edge searched for bids on EBay to compare with bids from other bidding sites to find the best bids for customers. Bidders Edge could have potentially slowed the access to EBay’s actual customers on EBay’s site directly (The Recorder, 2000). I feel EBay gained concern because this process could have lost them potential or current customers. For example, if EBay was being compared to other bidding websites with low bids, then it would be obvious that EBay would not be chosen by bidders. Bidders Edge for me seems a lot like Amazon. Amazon compares several stores prices to find their customers the lowest price. The difference with Amazon is that they only search stores that have granted them the permission to do so. Also unlike a bidding website, all prices are as is. Traditional trespass to personal property is entering a premise without permission, misusing or damaging the owner’s property and also preventing the owner of said property from using the property as the owner intended (Bick, 2000). The difference between traditional trespassing and to personal property differs from the California definition of trespassing to computer services is vastly. Where with the traditional trespass to personal property is easy to prove, the California definition of trespassing to computer services is not. California definition of trespassing to computer services states that the owner of web site has to prove that the use by trespasser has caused injury to web site or owner. Being that a majority of the internet is public access, it can be hard to not allow access to certain individuals and companies while considering themselves a public website. Also an internet site is much easier to access than a physical property and harder to prove.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Biography of Yaseer Arafat Essay -- essays research papers

Biography of Yasser Arafat (1929-2004) Mohammed Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa Al-Husseini, more commonly known as Yasser Arafat was the fifth of seven children born to a Palestinian textile merchant on August 24, 1929. According to Arafat and other sources, he was born in Jerusalem, however, French biographers, Christophe Boltanski and Jihan El-Tahri revealed in their 1997 book, Les sept vies de Yasser Arafat, that he was actually born in Cairo, Egypt, and that is where his birth certificate was registered. The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs also lists Arafat’s birthplace as Cairo. Ian Pacepa, a former Romanian intelligence official, disclosed that the KGB had invented a background for Arafat with a birthplace in Jerusalem. Claims that Arafat was related to the Jerusalem Husseini clan through his mother have been disputed by the Palestinian historian Said Aburish. In an unauthorized biography, Aburish claims that â€Å"The young Arafat sought to establish his Palestinian credentials and promote his eventual claim to leadership... [and] could not afford to admit any facts which might reduce his Palestinian identity. ...Arafat insistently perpetuated the legend that he had been born in Jerusalem and was related to the important Husseini clan of that city.† Arafat’s childhood was divided between Cairo and Jerusalem, where he lived for four years with an uncle following the death of his mother when he was five. Arafat entered the University of King Faud I (later renamed Cairo University) in 1947 and studied engineering. It was during his college years that Arafat adopted the name Yasser, which means â€Å"easygoing† in Arabic. During the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Arafat left the university and, along... ... capital in some part of the holy city. For nearly half a century Arafat was the symbol of Palestinian nationalism. Though he was not a military man, he was rarely seen out of his uniform in an effort to project strength and his commitment to armed struggle. He wore his kaffiyeh in a unique fashion, draped over his shoulder in the shape of Palestine, that is, all of historic Palestine, including Israel. The high-profile terrorist attacks he directed helped gain international attention and sympathy for the Palestinian cause, but, ultimately, his unwillingness to make the psychological leap from terrorist mastermind to statesman prevented him from achieving independence for the Palestinian people, and brought them decades of suffering that could have been avoided had he abandoned his revolutionary zeal for liberating Palestine and agreed to live in peace with Israel.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Louis Vuitton – Japan

Executive Summary: Louis Vuitton, a pioneer in luxury market has Japan a key market with largest revenue generator during its golden period. Due to adverse consequences of global recession, the slowdown was also faced by Louis Vuitton. In order to regain its fame, Louis Vuitton needs to change its manufacturing strategy and the production strategy. Goal: To reinvent and regain the cachet, Louis Vuitton needs to increase and attain the largest market share in five years. Louis Vuitton offers a wide range of luxury brands and was a trend setter in Japan. One of the key components which drive this goal strategy is the overall market growth. Although luxury market growth rate has reduced due to the global financial crisis, the Japanese luxury market growth rate was still at six percent. Also, the customers has been shifting to low price segment, the Japanese way of consuming luxury brands was a kind of social value that they cannot afford to lose. Impediment: The global financial crisis affects the consumer mind set and the behavior. The first and the most important key impediment which proves to the major obstacle in achieving the goal is high priced products offered by Louis Vuitton that could easily be attacked by other competitors. The various other companies offer the luxury products at competitive price as compare to Louis Vuitton have shaken the market share. Moreover, the product line offered by Louis Vuitton is limited and monotonous from past few years which made less impact on the consumers. Louis Vuitton was growing its strategy towards mid size and smaller cities but no attempt was made to promote the brand in these cities. Solution: In order to revive the company, and to increase the overall market share in Japan, Louis Vuitton needs to change its manufacturing strategy by setting up a manufacturing plant in Japan with some of the French workforce leading the plant. Since Japanese luxury market is one of the leading market egments, this would eventually decrease the import cost and French workforce would help in gaining the customer satisfaction. Moreover, it will also avoid the counterfeiting because the product is manufactured and consumed at the same place. Low scaled promotions could also be advertised during the discount season in mid size cities. Also Jacobs had signed a contract until 2018 and Marc Jacobs’s label was one of the rising stars in LVMH’s portfolio. Jacobs could also bring many other new opportunities to just keep up the brand image an d value.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Communication in the Workplace

Communication is a vital process in organizations and companies in today’s world. It has been defined as an activity that entails transmitting information through interexchange of views or messages by behavior, signals, writing, visuals, and speech. The process of communication requires a sender, the message to be sent, and a receiver. However, it is mandatory for the receiver to be aware of the sender’s intention to communicate. This means that a sender can be able to communicate with a receiver across vast distances (Wilson 2010). Normally, the communication the process is complete after it is clear that the receiver understood the message as intended by the sender. Communicative commonality is integral to effective communication between communicating parties. Effective communication is not only needed inside an organization but also when dealing with external stakeholders. It enables organization to achieve competitive edge considering the fact that it through it that an organization remains responsive to consumer needs (Jones & George 2007). On the contrary, poor communication disrupts almost everything in an organization. There are a number of barriers to effective communication (Huczynski & Buchanan 2010). This paper intends to highlight the barriers and how three organizations (Professional Sports, Bernard Mathews, and NHS trust Hospital) have been able to handle the barriers to ensure effective communication. Barriers to Effective Communication Barriers to communication are factors that might hinder effective communication between parties in the workplace. According to Antony and MacVicar (2011), this includes language barriers, cultural barriers, organizational barriers, personal barriers, and interpersonal barriers. Other barriers to effective communication include information technology and power. Professional sports organizations in Greece, Bernard Mathews, and NHS trust hospital have had to deal with at least of the barriers. The three have employed different strategies to deal with them hence their continued success (Mullins 2005). NHS Trust Hospital Poor communication has hindered hospitals to serve customers in the desired manner. There are a number of factors that have contributed to the problem. According to Smith and Preston (1996), the nature of jobs executed by doctors and nurses has contributed to poor communication. Nurses and doctors jobs are in most cases stressful leading to their informal communication among them. It is also common to find practitioners being less polite when addressing one another. Lack of understanding of one another’s role and knowledge has also contributed to the poor communication in NHS hospital (Smith & Preston 1996). Gender differences have also been a barrier to effective communication with stereotypes being the main cause. Men practitioners seem to have less respect for female practitioners hence conflicts in communication. Research has shown that professionalism and status is also a major cause of poor communication in NHS hospital. More experienced nurses and doctors seemed to have fewer problems in building relationships and communicating effectively. This is as compared to less experienced doctors and nurses who experience a lot of problems communicating. Members of the same group in the hospital also find it easy to communicate. Smith and Preston (1996) argues that this ostensibly because of similar language, sense of belonging, and similar training. NHS has tried to deal with the barriers through the application of a number of strategies. For instance, it has tried to create good relationships among practitioners. This has been done to ensure they are able to communicate with one another with ease. It has also employed training and teaching communication programs to enhance to encourage good communication among practitioners. It is clear that nurses and doctors in the organization have found it hard to get along with one another as a result of different training (Smith & Preston 1996). It has also been suggested that the organization should implement good communication systems to aid practitioners in communication. The world has been experiencing technological advancements on a daily basis. The hospital needs to capitalize on this to be able to improve communications (Smith & Preston 1996). Bernard Mathews Farms Bernard Mathews Farms is also one of the organizations that have suffered as a result of poor or ineffective communication. Noise has been one of the major barriers to the organization’s effective communication. Specifically, the organization was affected by the noise created by the media. To be more precise, press articles published negative information about the Bernard Mathews that led to the public have a negative attitude towards it. On the other hand, the organization failed to communicate to its stakeholders or respond to the allegation in a timely to be able to set the record straight. In the essence, this left the public confused on the matter leading to the organization losing its credibility. This also led to the company losing a competitive edge on the market. Employees were also demotivated seeing their company’s name being tarnished in the media. As a result, it necessitated the need for the management to come up with strong strategies on how to enhance communication with its stakeholders (Bernard Matthews 2011). The company was committed to improving its communication not only with internal stakeholders but also external ones. Internal stakeholders include directors, managers, and employees. The company has been able to communicate effectively with its internal stakeholders through the production of multilingual weekly newsletter to all employees. This has been done to ensure employees are well aware of what is happening in the organization. The same information is made available on its intranet site. Employees can also log in to be able to access new information. Similarly, the company also provides conducts face to face meeting aimed at informing managers on the progress of the company as well as new initiatives (Bernard Matthews 2011). The company has also employed different strategies to be able to communicate with external stakeholders. This includes customers, regulatory bodies, suppliers, the community, and the government. Essentially, the company was committed to winning back the trust of its stakeholders to survive the market. One way through which this was achieved is advertising. The company has been able to use the television to advertise its products to ensure they stick in the minds of its customers. It has also made a follow to ascertain the impact of the advertisements. It is through this strategy that the company is able to explain to its customers the benefits of consuming its products. Ultimately, this also gives it the opportunity to address the negative publicity as it is able to inform stakeholders on what is really happening (Bernard Matthews 2011). Social media and the internet has also been used by the company to be able to reach out to its stakeholders. For example, the company has four websites that serve different audiences. This includes a corporate website, consumer sites, Foodservice site, and a campaigning site. It has been able to use the same to market its products as well as make its new initiatives known to stakeholders. The company has also used the media and public relations to communicate circuitously with its consumers (Bernard Matthews 2011). Professional Sport. Professional sport organizations have also faced many barriers that impede effective communication. Specifically, coaches have found it problematic to communicate effectively with their players during games. This can be attributed to them having limited time. Coaches find it hard to communicate with players as a result of the limited time they might have to transmit instructions. They have tried their best to handle the same. However, limited time remains a great obstacle (Athanasios 2005). Language has also created a barrier to effective communication in the company. Professional sports teams are normally composed of players from different countries. As such, coaches might find it problematic to communicate with them. Ability of perception and attitude also hinder effective communication. It is common knowledge that players might decode messages differently hence some may not be able to get the right information. The negative attitude among players has also created a great barrier to communication considering the fact this affects communication not only to their superiors but also other players (Athanasios 2005). There are also external factors that have hindered communication in professional sports in Canada. External factors are those that are not directly related to the players or their coach but still affect communication. For example, spectators, sports officials, and opponents also act as barriers to effective communications. This can be attributed to the noise they make during sports events (Athanasios 2005). Coaches try to ensure effective communication by asking their players to be calm and remain focused. They also try to minimize the negative influence created by outside factors. Coaches have also dealt with the problem of languages through naturalization of players. Equally, they have also ensured that their messages are short and clear to ensure every individual perceives or understands them in the desired manner. Team cohesion, fatigue, and team environment affect their attitude towards one another. Coaches have tried to deal with this through ensuring team members have enough rest and spend more time with one another (Athanasios 2005). Conclusion Communication is very essential for organizations. It is imperative for the management in different organizations to ensure effective communication for better performances. There are a number of barriers that hinder effective communication including personal barriers, language barriers, physical barriers, and gender barriers. Professional Sports, Bernard Mathews, and NHS trust Hospital have faced some of these barriers and have tried their level best to handle them to ensure their success. Communication in the Workplace Communication and its many assets are very important. In order to be successful in anything we need to have effective communication. Although effective communication is very important in today’s world we will have issues with ineffective communication, also known as barriers. To communicate you need to have a sender, receiver and a message. It is important to relay any message with accuracy, with errors we then begin to have barriers causing ineffective communication. Technology is another factor that can be helpful but needs to be used properly. In my organization we use autocratic, democratic, paternalistic and laissez-faire. We are all about rights as well as delegating things to the appropriate parties. In my opinion having a combination of all management styles is important and makes it easier when you need to adjust to the different situations. Every situation and work day (involving who you work with) can be different. You make need to be more of a laissez-faire or paternalistic manager when you work with someone who needs direction at work. In my work facility we share knowledge and anything we need, thoroughly through emails, verbally and our communication book; which in our communication book you can find a lot of different information with dates, times, descriptions, etc. The more through we are the more likely we have communicated effectively even though the receiver or receivers may not be there. To communicate effectively there are five main techniques that can help you to improve. First off there is brainstorming; when you brain storm you are just throwing ideas out there in order to get any ideas together. There are also workplace tours which can also be known as a form of training. By doing tours you can allow others to see how another spectrum does things and learn how to improve or find new ways of doing things. Stakeholder surveys and stakeholder meetings are ways of getting groups together to generate more ideas. Put simply there is the expression â€Å"two heads is better than one†. Lastly there is formal suggestion system which in turns means you are workings together to figure out what these ideas mean and if they will have any value to what you need currently. Even though we have effective communication you are still going to have ineffective communication. This can be a variety of things. The first one which can cause a vast variety of issues is our main demographics like; age, cultural background, race, gender and language. There is also noise barriers which can cause you to miss-understand or interpret your sender (person giving message) wrong. You could also be ignoring parts of the message you will be receiving and only hearing the parts you would like to hear. Communication through technology has many of these same factors. Technology can be both effective and ineffective with all of its aspects. First we have speed which with online communication and cell phones you receive the date almost instantly. Accessibility in today’s world with the internet and our vast variety of resources we can find just about anything we would like. In health care accessibility can become an issue if information is accessed by an unauthorized individual which is a violation of HIPPA. When a breach becomes known you are required by law to notify the correct officials and take the necessary steps to correct the problem. Efficiency has a lot to do with speed. You can send something as simple as an email or text to get your message to the receiver. Written communication means there is a â€Å"hard copy† of the given information you can access. As for the news it can be accessed online or via the T. V. giving you more information. In health care we need to be able to keep up with the change and communication is vital. One simple mistake can make a world of difference especially in a hospital setting. You want to take the appropriate steps to improving and ways to alter or avoid having issues with ineffective communication. As you can see communication and management are vital in today’s success. You want to communicate effectively and work on improving and getting rid of any ineffective communication issues you may have. Make sure you are using the appropriate management style for the given situations and communicate your message thoroughly to your receiver. ReferencesMcManus, K. (1998). A project management system for innovation. Journal for Quality and participation, 21(5), 60. Management Study Guide. Roles of Communication barriers in ineffective communication. Retrieved from: Nelson, L. (2012). Ehow Learning. How Technology Impact Communication in the Workplace Communication and its many assets are very important. In order to be successful in anything we need to have effective communication. Although effective communication is very important in today’s world we will have issues with ineffective communication, also known as barriers. To communicate you need to have a sender, receiver and a message. It is important to relay any message with accuracy, with errors we then begin to have barriers causing ineffective communication. Technology is another factor that can be helpful but needs to be used properly. In my organization we use autocratic, democratic, paternalistic and laissez-faire. We are all about rights as well as delegating things to the appropriate parties. In my opinion having a combination of all management styles is important and makes it easier when you need to adjust to the different situations. Every situation and work day (involving who you work with) can be different. You make need to be more of a laissez-faire or paternalistic manager when you work with someone who needs direction at work. In my work facility we share knowledge and anything we need, thoroughly through emails, verbally and our communication book; which in our communication book you can find a lot of different information with dates, times, descriptions, etc. The more through we are the more likely we have communicated effectively even though the receiver or receivers may not be there. To communicate effectively there are five main techniques that can help you to improve. First off there is brainstorming; when you brain storm you are just throwing ideas out there in order to get any ideas together. There are also workplace tours which can also be known as a form of training. By doing tours you can allow others to see how another spectrum does things and learn how to improve or find new ways of doing things. Stakeholder surveys and stakeholder meetings are ways of getting groups together to generate more ideas. Put simply there is the expression â€Å"two heads is better than one†. Lastly there is formal suggestion system which in turns means you are workings together to figure out what these ideas mean and if they will have any value to what you need currently. Even though we have effective communication you are still going to have ineffective communication. This can be a variety of things. The first one which can cause a vast variety of issues is our main demographics like; age, cultural background, race, gender and language. There is also noise barriers which can cause you to miss-understand or interpret your sender (person giving message) wrong. You could also be ignoring parts of the message you will be receiving and only hearing the parts you would like to hear. Communication through technology has many of these same factors. Technology can be both effective and ineffective with all of its aspects. First we have speed which with online communication and cell phones you receive the date almost instantly. Accessibility in today’s world with the internet and our vast variety of resources we can find just about anything we would like. In health care accessibility can become an issue if information is accessed by an unauthorized individual which is a violation of HIPPA. When a breach becomes known you are required by law to notify the correct officials and take the necessary steps to correct the problem. Efficiency has a lot to do with speed. You can send something as simple as an email or text to get your message to the receiver. Written communication means there is a â€Å"hard copy† of the given information you can access. As for the news it can be accessed online or via the T. V. giving you more information. In health care we need to be able to keep up with the change and communication is vital. One simple mistake can make a world of difference especially in a hospital setting. You want to take the appropriate steps to improving and ways to alter or avoid having issues with ineffective communication. As you can see communication and management are vital in today’s success. You want to communicate effectively and work on improving and getting rid of any ineffective communication issues you may have. Make sure you are using the appropriate management style for the given situations and communicate your message thoroughly to your receiver. ReferencesMcManus, K. (1998). A project management system for innovation. Journal for Quality and participation, 21(5), 60. Management Study Guide. Roles of Communication barriers in ineffective communication. Retrieved from: Nelson, L. (2012). Ehow Learning. How Technology Impact

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A reaction to rizals life in dapitan essays

A reaction to rizal's life in dapitan essays Jose Rizal, a man with so many accomplishments. Jose Rizal gives all of us inspiration in all the things we do. He is inspires us to be hardworking and diligent, which most of us are not. I am amazed that even though Rizal was in exile, he didnt mind the fact that he was sent to Dapitan to live like a prisoner and yet he still manages to accomplish many things. He has taught the poor Mindanao folk to unite for trading so that they may become independent and free themselves from the Chinese and thus become less exploited, in the sense that he organized a cooperative even in exile. While many people would be in panic, despair or lose hope for any success in their lives because of being exiled Jose Rizal continued to serve his country. This is what made Jose Rizal stand out of the others as a hero to a nation. He was truly a man of action. He always put his countrymen first before him. He truly was a man of action, he did not only looked over the people nor just tell people what to do, he helped them in their everyday work. Rizal was intelligent and yet very humble. Right now I wish that the tree he planted would somehow magically make Rizal appear in this time of ours so that I can praise him for what he did for us. Rizal truly was a person for his countrymen, he truly was a patriot and nationalistic for he never wanted to see his fellow countrymen being oppressed and being exploited. I wish I could go to Dapitan for a glimpse of how our hero lived in Dapitan while being exiled. Last June 19, we celebrated Rizal's 143rd birthday. That's two lifetimes for the average Filipino, quite a long time. But not really so when one thinks about the baluno tree he nurtured and which grows to this day as our living connection to him and when one thinks about the issues he cared about and which continue to challenge us today: health, education, poverty and inequality. It would be such an honor to know more about our hero. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Artificial Intelligence of Machines

The artificial field of research was first proposed in a conference in the year 1956 which was later proceed by different studies. The evolution of the artificial Intelligence can be found millennia ago with the development of the human civilization. In the dawn of 19 th century, William Paley first argued about the requirement of the intelligent designers which are needed for the development of the complex adaptive system. One of very first papers on the machine Intelligence names computing Machinery and Intelligence was written by the British mathematician Alan Turing (Turing, 1950). He started to research over the computable numbers and in the year 1937 he has proposed central limit theorem and wrote about the computable numbers where he has proposed the concept of universal machine. This was used by the British Intelligence in during the Second World War to break the German coded Messages. Successful completion of the artificial Intelligence we need two things, which are artifac ts and the intelligence (Negnevitsky, 2005). The computer is considered as artifacts and best equipment which can demonstrate the intelligence. The first operational modern computer was Heath Robinson in the year 1940; this was built by the team of Alan Turing’s team. In later years many vacuum tubes used Computers came into existence also some programmable computers like German Z-3 computers.   The first breakthrough was the IBM 701 which was the most successful General purpose digital computer. This computer became a successful invention in the decade and yielded billions of dollars as revenue for the IBM.   This led to the revolution in the computer industry and companies started to spend over the research on the most improved version of the computer system (Specter, 2006).   Generation based computer development led to the development of the more improved and developed computer system. The most improved version is the 5 th generation of computers which we are using nowadays and, this has the capability calculate a large number of algorithms at a time.   The development of the Software system can’t be ignored as this made a significant impact on the development of the Artificial Intelligence.   In a time frame, the evolution of the artificial Intelligence ranges from the year 1950 to 2015. 1950- Alan turning Turing published the first paper about the artificial Intelligence and stated the possibility of the machines with Intelligence.   Alan and team also introduce the first computer which they have used in World War 2 for decoding German messages.   This led to the invention of the Vacuum pipe based computer system (Russel, 2003). 1956-      John McCarthy first established the Artificial Intelligence research field in a conference. This was stated here and lead to the establishment of research field regarding the Artificial Intelligence. This conference was attended by many types of research. 1995- US department of defiance first used UAV in Balkan war. The predator drone was equipped with Artificial Intelligence system and this led to further development in this field.    1997 - IBM Deep blue AI system wins a chess match against world champion Gary Kasparov. 2011- Debut of Virtual personal assistance like SIRI and Cortana.   SIRI and CORTANA are two personal assistant robots which are developed by Apple Inc. and Microsoft   Corp. 2011 - IBM Watson computer defeats Jeopardy game show champion. Oct 2013 - Vicarious breaks any Captcha and passed the Turing test. Jan 2014 - Deep mind teams created a program which won the Atari Games. May 2015 - Google started the self-driven cars, which are considered as a revolution in human history.   This project is still in development phase and its considered as the next generation machine with Intelligence. Jun 2015 - Facebook detects launches moments which can detect faces and make a gallery with tagging the friends whom they know. The timeline describes the real changes which have occurred since the evolution of the Artificial Intelligence. As this is considered that artificial intelligence consists of developing human intelligence and rationality in the machines so we must talk about the human civilization development.    Artificial Intelligence exists in our day to day life, the spell checker which is used by the computers and automatic spelling correction are few examples which we can count. A machine with Artificial Intelligence or we can say that a machine with the self-thinking and analyzing ability is somewhat equal to the normal human being. We use SIRI in our day to day life for personal assistance; the SIRI is a personal assistant for us. This is a robot with own thinking ability and it's designed to solve our issues related to different dimensions. A mining robot goes into the deep ocean and explores the possibility of the existence of oil and minerals inside the sea surface which are a difficult task for a human being meanwhile NASA is extensively using robots with self-intelligence for the Space missions. Reasoning and Logic: This is considered as one of the basic needs of the Artificial Intelligence. This is considered as the inbuilt ability of the Artificial Intelligence, which means the machines can do reasoning and produce logic as we humans do.   Machines with intelligence are being used in a security system as well as in the defense program by the governments around the world. The present Black Hawk MK 2 predator drone which was developed by the US Department of Defense and this is being used for different purposes. The machines are programmed to do as a specific task which is assigned to do. The accuracy and the time efficiency are considered as major parts (Poole, 1998). Artificial intelligence and their application in our day to day life are increasing significantly. Nowadays with the greater research and development in the computer as well as in the software system is making it more users friendly and advanced.   AI is being used in the Games where the opponents are programmed and they can take own moves as per requirements.   Machine learning is another thing which can be seen in the artificial intelligence; robots are dancing over the music beats and giving expression. The same applies when robots are playing football like we play with certain moves. This defines the ability of machine learning; these machines are programmed so that they can do certain tasks with more accuracy and with more efficiency at less time (Bundy, 1980). In the 21 st century the computer system, as well as the software system, is developing at a greater pace which is considered as host and mind in the Artificial intelligence. The advantages of Artificial Intelligence: The disadvantages of the artificial intelligence: In this assignment, I have discussed the Artificial Intelligence. Artificial system is a revolutionary development in human history which consists of philosophy, behavior and the technological advancement generation by generations.   In this assignment, I conclude that Artificial Intelligence is an ongoing development in the present human generation which will define the future of the human-made technology. The present artificial Intelligence contains the roots from last 2000 years when human civilizations started to define the behavior and philosophy. I have also discussed the Evolution of the Computer system as well as the Artificial Intelligence; this was first started in 1951 by the British scientist Turing which is later preceded by different researchers and scientists. The evolution process also contains the development of the digital computer and the software. I have also mentioned the ability of the Artificial Intelligence, what this technology can do and where we are using this technology. The pros and cons are also stated in the assignment. These advantages and Disadvantages are something which is needed to be addressed properly. Especially, the impacts of the artificial Intelligence over the Human thinking and working ability. Being too much dependable over the artificial intelligence and technology will make us lazy and dependable over the technology. This will also affect our capabilities, so we need to address these issues to improve the situation which we may face. Crevier, Daniel (1993), AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence, New York, NY: BasicBooks McCorduck, Pamela (2004), Machines Who Think (2nd ed.), Natick, MA: A. K. Peters, Ltd Nilsson, Nils (2009). The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements. New York: Cambridge University Press Poole, David; Mackworth, Alan; Goebel, Randy (1998). Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach. New York: Oxford University Press Spector, (2012), Evolution of artificial intelligence, ELSEVIER Journal Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig, Peter (2003), Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.), Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Charniak, D. McDermott, (1985), Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Addison-Wesley Dean, J. Allen, Y. Aloimonos, (1995), Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Practice, Benjamin/Cummings, New York Lara, (2015), What Can Artificial Intelligence Do For Us? Retrieved from N.J. Nilsson, (1998), Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco Howe, J. (November 1994). "Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University: a Perspective" Haugeland, John (1985). Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press Lohn, G.S. Hornby, D. Linden, An evolved antenna for deployment on NASA’s space technology 5 mission Yu, B. Worzel (Eds.), (2004) Genetic Programming Theory and Practice II, Springer, New York Poli, W.B. Langdon, (2006) Backward-chaining evolutionary algorithms, Artificial Intelligence P.H. Winston, (1984), Artificial Intelligence, second ed., Addison-Wesley A.M. Turing, (1992),   Intelligent machinery, in D.C. Ince (Ed.), Collected Works of A.M. Turing: Mechanical Intelligence, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam Abelson, H. and DiSessa, A. (1981). Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Abramson, H., and Rogers, M.H. (Eds.) (1989). Meta-Programming in Logic Programming. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

E-Business Logistics and Operation ( Case study Analysis) Essay

E-Business Logistics and Operation ( Case study Analysis) - Essay Example the search for discovering advanced processes and techniques by which the total production process, starting from the collection of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, can be made cost–effective. To remain competitive and retain its market position in the competitive global scenario, the company is searching for suitable production processes which would enable them to offer cost-effective products to their customers. To achieve this end, the company is relentlessly making efforts to minimise the production costs, resulting from huge lead times, excess inventory or inability to strike a balance between supply and demand of the market. The company mainly serves three types of customers- the industrial sector, the DIY retailers and the timber merchants. The main objective of the present supply chain network was to minimise the lead times in the total production process thereby reducing the chances of producing waste products. This would help the company to control its production costs and minimise the costs incurred in eliminating production bottlenecks, which would indirectly facilitate the company to meet the customer demands on-time. Primary or the initial stage of manufacturing: The wood collected from these forests is then transported to sawmills situated in Finland. In these sawmills, the wood is processed into timber which is required for manufacturing their end products. Second stage of manufacturing (‘Secondary Manufacturing’): Timber is then transported to UK through sea route. In UK, this timber is then worked upon according to the client specifications and is converted into finished products (Chapman P.,, 2001). Warehouses or factory storage spaces: This is the place where the finished products are ultimately stored before being delivered to the retailers. The items are dispatched, according to the demand from the retailers. According to the survey conducted to get a clear picture about the lead time taken by a particular